Paying For P.S. A Column On Things

Three Ways To Pay

If You Enjoy This Programming

P.S. A Column On Things is adopting the business plan that I think of as the "public broadcasting guilt" plan. That is, I'm going to remind you periodically that this column is free, but that you could choose to pay for it, if you wished. I have arranged with Paypal and Amazon to accept online payment. In addition, because some of you asked for it as an option, I will also accept checks. Like public broadcasting, I'll do the column whether you pay or not. Unlike public broadcasting, you won't get a lovely thank-you gift [unless someone donates one]



Amazon Honor System Click Here to Pay Learn More

By Check

Please send your check for $12 (or more!), payable to:
Schindler Journalism Co.
3527 Mt. Diablo Blvd., #327
Lafayette, CA 94549-3815


To obtain a weekly reminder when new columns are posted or to offer feedback, advice, praise, or criticism write to me:

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